The carrier, Corsica in open space.
"Look at the size of that thing!" A quick scale comparison video
One of the fighters launched from the Corsica's dual, double tracked, launch ways. That model is known as the NAAW (Not an A-Wing) MKII
Equipped with advanced sensors, an electronic countermeasures package, and adaptable turreted hard points, the striker class is a versatile platform that is just as capable supporting fighter strikes as it is flying recon.
Fighters flying X formation with a Striker.
With it's large array of main thrusters and massive anti-ship, forward facing quad cannon, this fast attack destroyer is well suited for surprise, hard hitting strikes on larger vessels.
Here lies a wrecked tanker that suffered the same fate of so many others far beyond the reach of any aid in the Dragon's Throat.
A lone carrier, the Corsica travels with but a remnant of it's task force through the Dragon's throat. Few who dare to enter that ancient pass are seen or heard from again. The way is fraught with peril. Visibility is low, uncharted gravity wells dot the way, unpredictable storms of charged gasses and plasma are but a few of the dangers that await those foolish enough to attempt passage. The path lies riddled with the burned and broken hulks of countless ship wrecks, their missions, their cargo, their very names long since forgotten through the many millennia since the path fell from use. What madness has driven the Corsica's Commander here? What terror could have made this grave a better alternative? Perhaps it is none of these. Perhaps there is a quest of such importance that it is worth the risk of nearly certain failure.
This was my submission to CG Boost's "Space Carrier" challenge.
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